Week 8 Practice Schedule
October 4 – 9

Monday October 4
        3:30 pm

Tuesday October 5
        Meet at a U High Invitational  Girls Race at 4:45, Boys Race at 5:30
        Bus time 2:30 pm

Wednesday October 6
        3:30 pm

Thursday October 7
        3:30 pm

Friday October 8
        Pizza Party at Phil Wilson's House at TBA
        Each runner should bring $5 each

Saturday October 9
        Mahomet-Seymour Invite
        9:00 race time.  Show up at least an hour early.   Boys Varsity at 9:35 am, Boys Open at 11:00 am.
        I will be busy running the meet, so take care of each other.
        Any parent volunteers will be greatly appreciated.

Weekend Running
        You should probably not run Sunday.
        This is the time of the season to rest.  Back off from doing too much in PE, pick up basketball, weight training,         etc.   You will run your best times if you are disciplined enough to back off.

Please check with your coach daily for any possible changes

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